

So, the next step of our journey, the Canal du Centre, is closed.

This leaves us in the middle of France (nowhere?!) with precious few options!

Yesterday we were a mere week from Chalon sur Saone, and from there a couple of rivers from the Med (with their currents helping us along!)

Today all change!

We will have to retrace our steps (wake?!) all the way up to Paris - 294km and 78 locks!!! and move onto the river Marne and the long way round to Chalon sur Saone...

A obviously devastated at news our return home is postponed by at least a month!!

J would like to overlook the fact that we were in paris on the 19th September, and had the VNF passed on the bulletin of the 20th about the Canal du Centre we would not be 10 days down the country, losing nearly 3 weeks of time, but we feel a strongly worded letter coming on ;-)

Onwards and upwards - literally! Remember that day with 18 locks?! About to relive it...

Deja vu, anyone?


  1. Bob and Lynn on Tracker30 September 2012 at 14:08

    why not try the Yonne and Bourgogne to St Jean and out

    1. Hi Bob and Lynn!
      We thought about it but the Yonne wants to stop traffic from the 8th October before closure on the 15th and the canal de Bourgogne shows 1m40 draft - the canal laterale de la Loire claims 1m80 but we're dragging our backsides already more often tha n we'd like and if they're closing down the waterways for lack of water that seems like a risky choice!
      The Marne looks like a great detour, with tunnels we fit in, so we've just got a few numbers to call to make sure there aren't any ''unexpected' closures planned on this new route - in which case I'll have break out my boat hook!
      Hope all goes well with your return to Roanne!

  2. I really enjoyed that blog about the 18 locks.. cant wait to relive it th eother way round ;)
