
Honfleur to Duclair

In order to make good use of the incoming tide we locked out of Honfleur at 11.30 and set our sights on Duclair.

Having called in advance, the Mayor had given permission for us to moor in the town, so not sure what welcome might await!

We saw surprisingly little traffic in our nearly 8h drive, going as slowly as 4kts against the current at the start, and a speedy 8kts (!!) with the flow towards our destination. Some amazing residences (lots of mock Tudor) on the banks.

Approaching Duclair, the pontoon was completely taken by a huge barge, and a tanker swooped past before the Duclair ferry asked us our intentions on the VHF... Eventually the barge captain showed his face and I said we were expected; I thought he'd have us moor up to him, but he started up and pushed right off the pontoon - turns out he was illegally parked, and we had the flower festooned pontoon to ourselves - I guess the Mayor had given up waiting for our arrival and gone home ;-)

Commercial traffic on the Seine doesn't stop because its dark, so it was a difficult night - Roxy in a bit of a tizzy, and its difficult to sleep on a rollercoaster ride, but no harm done, and we were up early to catch the tide to Rouen.

Pont de Tancarville

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