
L'Estaque to Our Destination - Port Saint Louis du Rhône!


3 days in l'Estaque got us thinking, and although there is so much to see between here and our new mooring in Port Saint Louis du Rhône, we'll have loads of time to visit locally once we're settled, so we're just going to straight line it from here.

We set out at 11.15, after dropping our beep back off at the capitainerie (and recuperating our deposit cheque!), into not-quite-smooth waters and beautifully clear skies. A little chop was accompanied by low swell, but it was right on the nose, and it was warm enough to drive from the fly bridge in our hoodies.
There's the train line we had hoped to take... Next time!
Having checked in with the capitainerie at Port Napoléon we knew to head straight for the visitors pontoon, and report with papers before being assigned 'our' space. Crossing the shipping lane was a bit hairy, and we might have got a wave from this guy, or he might not have even seen us, who knows?! In any case, we're playing with the big boys now - by which I mean, we're getting out of everyone's way!
A sad moment of déjà vu - it's just shy of three years since this was the start of our journey from East to West, but this sail boat remains unmoved, un-rescued, and rather forlorn.
We rounded that spit into the channel giving access to Port Napoléon, which is incredibly narrow considering they'll take boats up to 40m long, where to our stbd there was a snorkler, and to port, just meters out of the channel, a fisherman was barely wet up to his knees!
And at 4pm here we are, given a choice of 3 available spaces, with free wifi (when we're getting good signal - time to invest in some kit there), showers, a restaurant on site, all of our gear already in place, our wheels and piles of post, including food parcels and vitamins (thank you family xxx).

An exciting new chapter - much of which will fall into the Works category ;-)

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