
A day off...


We've always had an aim on this trip, which is to find a safe haven for our trip home and J's next medical appointment on 16th October. Unfortunately, when we started calling this morning to book an MRI back down south the answer was a lemon - nothing til the 18th at the earliest!!!

So, taking some initiative J started calling hospitals near our proposed stopping point on the Marne, and Bingo! The hospital at Bry-Sur-Marne could see her at 12.30 the same day! Wow!

So, with help from the staff at Port Aux Cerises J was set with all the info to get there, using the RER and made it in good time for an appointment which had literally been pulled out of a hat. And today we were not let down by the flexibility of those who know, and live with, and work within the French health system. J assumed there would be a pharmacy by the hospital for the MRI contrast injection - error 1, it shut down years ago! So they went ahead with the scan with their own injection, and said I could go get one to replace it while they studied the results.

Its only a 30 minute walk in the driving rain, but needs must. Get to the pharmacy, where they say the prescription doesn't conform - and is out of date, as the RT prescriber only modified the MRI prescription to say it was for Octoberbut not he contrast. At first the pharmacist wanted J to return to the hospital for a new prescription, but after doe eyes and a bit of a pouty lip she relented and accepted a fax... Phew, still tipping with rain, but positively skipped up the hill to exchange meds for results and I quote...

'No signs of brain tumor regrowth and almost complete regression of post operative trauma'.

Yeah baby!

So, J returned to the boat triumphant to find A wrestling with black water tank hoses in an effort to connect the second WC... Know what I'd rather have been up to today, if you know what I mean!!!

Lets raise a glass! Deserved by both, methinks X 

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