
L'Isle de Porquerolles to Saint Raphael


The noise of the wind accross the channel down those hollow aluminium masts was similar to blowing accross the neck of a glass bottle, and the clanking of rigging has been no more restful over the last couple of days, so waking up this morning to silence was decidedly eery.

Finally, the wind has calmed down, so all systems go!

Having received an offer af a mooring in Saint Raphael, we have decided to bypass St Tropez and head straight there to check it out. J a bit disappointed to miss out on St Trop - painted toenails especially as sure we'd not have been let in otherwise, but hey-ho!!

Skies are overcast, but the sea is calm.

As we crossed in front of the entrance to Toulon, a large Naval port, we realised we were being shadowed by a rather large Destroyer. We did a double check on the info coming in over the NavTex, about a no go zone where torpedoes were being tested, but we definitely weren't in it!!! Altering course slightly on the auto pilot and pushing up the revs a bit shook the Destroyer off our tail, but he was replaced by a gun-toting chopper in no time; after 3 fly-bys he too let us go without incident.

The rest of the journey passed without incident, and we were met on the quay in Port Santa Lucia by one of the port guys, who helped us moor and then gave us all the info to settle in.

So there we are - in our winter berth. Already we met other live-a-boards on our pontoon and we are really pleased at having found an available spot in such a great place!

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